We gain,


👋 We love to dig, find the hidden info and be on top of the DeFi industry. Find out how we leverage our knowledge for your yields.

About yield farming

Over the last 10+ years, we have seen projects rise and fall alongside the waves of the crypto markets.

Creating sustainable business models based on solid tokenomics are the foundation of the success stories.

We know how to build them.


Generate yield

Industry experience

We have been active in the industry for 8+ years. We know all the latest insights and developments to stay on top of the market.

Risk mitigation

We know how to identify risks and how to avoid ending up in sketchy protocols.
We mitigate these risks by leveraging our knowledge and spread our portfolio.

Stablecoin strategies

Combining multiple chains, platforms and exchanges, we find the best arbitrage opportunities and ways to optimise yields on stablecoins.

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explore DeFi?

Find more info on our DeFi page.

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