We create,


👋 Structuring, early growth or system analysis, we nurture the young ones and challenge the incumbents.

About growth

Over the last 10+ years, we have seen projects rise and fall alongside the waves of the crypto markets.

Creating sustainable business models based on solid tokenomics are the foundation of the success stories.

We know how to build them.


Facilitate growth

Tokenomics design

Designing token flows in a way to incentivise good behaviour and project longevity.


Structuring the fundraising roadmap and support in reaching targets

Marketing & Community

Growing your communities and making sure your story is heard.

Industry Approach

Defining and deploying roadmaps and launch strategies to make impact.

Advise & Feedback

Advising on and providing ad-hoc feedback upon request.


Project based and individual coaching in your crypto industry explorations.

We are
Not alone

In order to deliver, we assembled our brightest minds.

We look forward to meeting you.

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