We facilitate,


👋We believe that education is the core of technology adoption. We share our knowledge and spread the word.

About education

We envision a world in which power will be flowing back to the people. Either through smart contracts, new ways of thinking, or a need to be more self-sufficient in life, we support it.

We are here to introduce you to the world of blockchain technology.

1-on-1 Coaching

Through our 1-on-1 coaching sessions, we take you by the hand in your explorations in crypto. We provide coaching on all levels and on (almost) all topics that are related to crypto and blockchain.

Flat fee: €50,- or ETH equivalent


Facilitate education


We gather new and experienced minds  to find new visions and bring knowledge to the table.

Guest lectures

We challenge universities and students to think outside their paradigm and come up with new theories.

1-on-1 coaching

Setting up your wallet and transferring your first Ether can be challenging. We help you to create a safe crypto environment.

Open libraries

We collect all relevant articles, whitepapers and research for you to have a central source of content.


Ranging from introduction to blockchain to hands-on tokenomic design, we facilitate the tools.

Corporate sandboxing

Learning by experimenting? We help companies introduce blockchain tools into their business to experience usecases.

We share
Our knowledge

Greenfield supports open source, open minds and decentralised systems.

Discover more

© Copyright Greenfield Finance 2022